- Please, read my T.O.S before doing any form of business with me. Thank you <33 -
- Check out my Trello to know where your Art stands in my Queue! -

Please, Note;
- I may be limited to some/certain details and I may decline your Com and request to try again another time. This isn't because I don't want to work with you, more so I don't feel confident that I can give my best and need to practice a little bit. It may also be Art Block kicking my ass :((
- My sharing/posting/working on other projects whether personal or commissioned is not an indication that you should assume your art will be done within a blink. I have rights to take breaks or work on others ahead of you. Any form of pushy behavior or rushing will have me refund you and refuse business in the future. Please, I just want to draw your pretty OCs!
- I have every right to ask for proof of Age if you are wishing to purchase NSFW Art. Lack of providing will result in declination of business.
- These listed prices are Base Prices! Meaning they may go up depending on complexity of your OC and/or what you're looking to get for the art (This includes and is not limited to Clothing, Facial Expressions, Gif Concept/Type, NSFW or SFW, Posing, Wallpaper/Background)
Will Do;Won't Do;
Anthro (SFW and NSFW)Ageplay/Babyfur/D(M)DLG(B)
Age Regression ArtChild Porn/Pedophilia
Complexity (Semi or Severe)Feral NSFW/Zoophilia
FanArt/GiftArtFetish Art
Feral SFWHate Speech/Racism
GIFsHumanoid (SFW or NSFW)
Mecha/Semi-Complex Robotics 
My Little Pony (Canon or OC) 
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Doodles$0.5050 Pts120 AC
Doodle Gifs$1100 Pts240 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Chompers Sketch$5500 Pts2,700 AC
Chompers Flat-Colored$151,500 Pts8,100 AC
Chompers Fully-Shaded$252,500 Pts13,500 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Simple Watermark$101,000 Pts5,400 AC
Semi-Complex Watermark$202,000 Pts10,800 AC
Complex Watermark$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Headshot Sketch$5500 Pts2,700 AC
Headshot Sketch GIF$101,000 Pts5,400 AC
Flat-Colored Headshot$151,500 Pts8,100 AC
Flat-Colored Headshot GIF$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
Fully-Shaded Headshot$252,500 Pts13,500 AC
Fully-Shaded Headshot GIF$505,000 Pts27,000 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Fullbody Sketch$101,000 Pts5,400 AC
Fullbody Sketch GIF$202,000 Pts10,800 AC
Flat-Colored Fullbody$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
Flat-Colored Fullbody GIF$606,000 Pts32,400 AC
Fully-Shaded Fullbody$404,000 Pts21,600 AC
Fully-Shaded Fullbody GIF$808,000 Pts43,200 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Fullbody YCH GIF - Sketch$202,000 Pts10,800 AC
Flat-Colored Fullbody YCH GIF$606,000 Pts32,400 AC
Fully-Shaded Fullbody YCH GIF$808,000 Pts43,200 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
BaseEdits/Manips$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Double-Sided Anthro Customs and Ref Sheets$606,000 Pts32,400 AC
Double-Sided Feral Customs and Ref Sheets$606,000 Pts32,400 AC
One-Sided Anthro Custom and Ref Sheet Coms$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
One-Sided Feral Custom and Ref Sheet Coms$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
TypeCashApp/ PayPal (USD)DeviantArt PointsAmino Coins
Simple Toyhou.se Coding$101,000 Pts5,400 AC
Semi-Complex Toyhou.se Coding$303,000 Pts16,200 AC
Complex Toyhou.se Coding$606,000 Pts32,400 AC

- I am capable of doing all sorts of Toyhou.se Coding (Character Profiles, Background, Folders, Sidebar, User Profile, World, etc., etc) with very little difficulties -
- I can/will provide a link to Codes I have saved/favorited, but it is up to you to find out if a code you’re interested in will be Non-Premium Friendly based upon what the creator provides for information. -
- Most to all of my coding within my Kytt3nPyss Toyhou.se Profile are PREMIUM ONLY. -

- Things may be added/removed in the future! -